Ask for Help: Empower Your Household in Disaster Recovery
I work offline documenting disaster recovery needs. Despite bureaucracy and indifference from officials, I persist in advocating for disaster victims, highlighting systemic issues and achieving positive outcomes through relentless efforts.

By Murray Wennerlund published 12-2-2024 updated 12-2-2024
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On Reddit, I'm not one of those top commenters or frequent posters. I work offline more than I do online. I document and publish based on the needs of citizens recovering from a declared disaster. I can tell you, based on your status, what you will need to do today and what will happen to you in six months. I can tell you who in government can make changes and who just makes you feel good about being in a bad place.

I've successfully assisted hundreds of disaster victims in Louisiana and have helped thousands more through indirect advocacy efforts and public shaming campaigns. This is particularly when our state managers feel they are above the people and overdose on the power of recovery or failure. You would be amazed at what is said in the background after they get off the phone, or when you send an email asking for help—how they joke, script a reply that is meaningless, and dismiss your case.

I could tell you about a one-legged deaf woman who was refused a wheelchair ramp and was told it wasn't their responsibility because the 504 form didn't have a checkbox for "Ramp." One letter later, the state provided her with a driveway and the funds for a ramp, but only after this intervention. "One legged amputee told by State Office of Community Development you will have no wheelchair walkway to home."

Another disaster victim suffered under state managers after her husband of 22 years died before the grant was finalized. The state canceled the grant, citing that the wife of 22 years wasn't on the deed, even though she had proof that she had lived with her husband all those years.
Louisiana Governor Edwards disaster recovery team pulls grant from post-disaster widow

Then others were found ineligible because of what I consider "trick" questions. Louisiana pays more than $1 million each year to have communications experts write forms, emails, and questions that, at times, require knowledge of the programs offered to select the correct response.
"You may have answered questions incorrectly when you completed your Restore Louisiana Program Survey."

You're told about more grants available to you down the road (after 6 months or more), but you're not told that your state already knows who qualifies. If you didn't get the FEMA FVL numbers, you're going to be looking for someone to do your SDE report before the end of the year.
Homeowners not informed by FEMA or State Managers about HUD inspection requirements for CDBG-DR Grants The numbers haven't changed.

You are not alone, but your state, county/parish, and city will make you feel that way. Your state will make you feel that every storm, every disaster is different. I can say that nothing has changed since the first DR-1 for flooding in 1953, and nothing in Louisiana has changed since DR-3 in 1953. You don't have to believe me you just have to be able to read and make your own recovery pathway.

Just because I know who to call when I need something done doesn't make me connected. I've called every politician, every task force member, and every state manager's office. I have called every FEMA DHS office, every parish president, and every city mayor. I have logged days of calling government officials, and out of all of them, only three have returned my calls and emails. To my credit, I can say this: those three individuals, in three different phases of life, corrected mistakes and made things right for thousands of others. All it takes is one person not to give up and keep looking for those who will listen and act when something is just not right.


Restore Louisiana Homeowner Program OCD-DRU Grant Recapture Procedures

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