HUD CDBG-DR Base Flood Elevation (BFE) plus two (2) feet above the Advisory Base Flood Elevation (ABFE)
When you work with your municipality and they say your elevation has to be Base Flood Elevation BFE they are quoting FEMA policy. FEMA offers a 25 75 cost share for elevation. Your municipality has to tell you BFE plus 2 feet to use other federal funds.

By Murray Wennerlund published 5-13-2021 updated 11-11-2022

The HUD CDBG-DR program does not decide whether a home needs to be elevated. Homes that are located inside a floodplain and which are substantially damaged, as determined by the local jurisdiction, will require elevation to the HUD CDBG-DR program requirements of two (2) feet above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), two (2) feet above the Advisory Base Flood Elevation (ABFE), or the local jurisdiction requirement, whichever is greater, in order to be compliant with HUD federal registry 81 FR 83254 (November 21, 2016).

Update 11-11-2022: With FEMA Risk Rating 2.0 coming soon to all flood zones and special hazard flood areas (SHFA) you may want to look at elevating to BFE + 3 feet to be eligible for a reduced rate on your National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood insurance.

Research Resource:

  • 81 FR 83254 (Federal Registry published November 21, 2016)