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Deferment Recapture Reduction Grant Calculator

Deferment and recapture grant calculator is new and will be updated as often as needed to master your recapture deduction argument within HUD guidelines and the spirit of long term disaster recovery. 

The first calculator developed for disaster victims of the 2016 floods in Louisiana covers many of other states regarding recapture deduction policies. Some have mortgage assistance, renters assistance, others have forced mortgage payoff while others subtract painting of a house as a method of reducing any federal grant recapture. 

  • Deferment & Recapture Reduction Grant Calculator
    Also known as "Homeowners Responsibility" in Louisiana this calculator will show you ways to reduce the buy in or the recapture payment you must make to be awarded additional grant funds. Louisiana HUD CDBG-DR Recapture / Deferment calculator using state OCD-DRU policies as well as HUD policies and guidance. 
  • NC your calculator is on it's way.
  • TX your calculator is being researched. 
  • PR, FL, SC, and others are pending disaster victim resources. 

I am only able to provide estimates based on current policies from each states disaster management team who is responsible for the HUD CDBG-DR grants. 


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NOTE: If your state has not been setup, please view Louisiana for disaster recovery information.

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