Grant Calculator

Murray's ™ CDBG-DR Grant Calculator

Reimbursement, Repair, Reconstruction, Elevation grants.

Data provided is not saved. This is only provided for your personal use. This is not an official HUD grant calculator. This page was created to answer simple grant calculation questions based on Grantee DRGR generated forms that are not always easy to understand.

Grant Calculator Options

Calculations based on HUD Guidance June 19, 2019 (Pub.Law 115-123, 115-254)

NOTICE: HUD has rejected all 9 hardship criteria proposed by the state of Louisiana OCD-DRU.

If you do not understand the SBA Hardship or are calculating a disaster after Dec. 31, 2021 then skip the hardship reason section of this calculator.

HUD's current hardship criteria is to reduce your housing debt to 30% of your total net income or less.

No Hardships
Housing cost burden (+5%)
Advanced age (+10%)
Cost of caring for dependents (+10%)
Major illness and/or death of wage earner (+15%)
Costs associated with higher education for self or dependents (+5%)
Loss of employment or reduction in income (+10%)
Costs associated with disability and/or special needs (+15%)
Depletion of retirement account (+15%)

Added 0% to adjust multiplier to

Repair Information

This information is provided to you by your state or city government.

Duplication of Benefits (DOB) Information

Provided by your state.

Deferment Estimator

You may need to defer painting to lower your grants recapture amount often listed as Duplication of Benefits (DOB). Enter the total number of doors and windows of your home for a simple deferment estimate.