State of Louisiana OCD-DRU Director Patrick Forbes increases Emergent Methods LLC contract, again and again.
From 700,000 to 2.4 million and they pick and choose what public communications they want to address. It pays well to not complete a task or contract with the state of Louisiana OCD-DRU under the direction of Patrick Forbes.

By Murray Wennerlund published 11-3-2022 updated 11-3-2022

Emergent Methods LLC: Public Outreach and Communications between congressional representatives went from $200,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,200,000 and now to an additional $2,500,000 this year for really not providing any additional services.

It's been years since anyone from Emergent Methods LLC (Rachel DiResto) has updated information or conducted outreach for the 2016 flood program that is still on going. It appears this company will be doing much of the same well into the future (2024). They seem to be involved in planning and management roles more than public outreach in which they were hired under contracts listed in the OCD-DRU DOA website. 

  1. Emergent Method, L.L.C. 5/15/2018 to 5/14/2021 awarded $2,200,000
  2. Emergent Method, L.L.C. 5/15/2021 to 5/14/2024 awarded $2,500,000

Role: To provide communications and outreach services needed to support a communications and outreach plan for the Program to reach key stakeholders, media, and the general public.

History of Emergent Methods Rags to Riches story: 

This is a Rags to Riches story all started when Nick Spreyer and Patrick Forbes crossed paths Oct. 2016 in Cuba during an Economic Development visit by the Governors staff which included The Water Institute of the Gulf to which Nick Spreyer President of Emergent Methods LLC was employed and listed as an intern before being hired by OCD-DRU Director Patrick Forbes to manage all state communications with the disasters between the dates of 2016-2024.

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