What proposals would you make to secure your future during the 2020 / 2021 declared pandemic?
When congress runs out of ways to not do anything for disaster relief they turn to the public and ask if we wouldnt mind if they repeat what the 111th congress did. Is that Ok America? I think its like handing in someones old research project.

By Writers Pool published 8-6-2020 updated 1-15-2022

Time for a 3 day Round Table that picks up the pieces of house bills that didn't make it to our front doors.

It's a bit concerning learning that most of the relief ideas came from the 111th congress related to the Great Recession between 2007-2009. I remember job migrations from the early 1980's recession that seemed to halt the Midwest and North and flooded the employment markets in the south.

I'm concerned when I see my congressman posting:

"We've got to come up with solutions as PPP comes to a close and unemployment benefits end. The bills done so far have bought us time, but we need to now focus on long term recovery. We are going to have to tailor future relief to present circumstances to help our economy recover." (Congressman Graves 6-24-2020)

I would like a few of you to read over the report I have linked and look back at what our country has done during slow economic growth periods and find possible solutions that would secure long term disaster recovery processes with intermittent stimulus injections.

What proposals would you make to secure your future during the 2020 / 2021 declared pandemic?

Reading link: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R46284.pdf