Deferment Calculations were not always based on square footage of home.
If you have requested a deferment to reduce your Grant Recapture, Homeowner Responsibility or Escrow amount your deferment may have been calculated incorrectly according to Scope Deferment Policy updates June 6, 2019.
If you are in Reconstruction your sqft of your old home will be used with 8' ceilings if your old home was not inspected and documented by FEMA, HUD or NFIP Insurance adjusters.
Spreadsheet Tool: If you can use a XSLX spreadsheet a download link will be available in a few days to check the calculations of your states HUD CDBG-DR programs.
Web App: Online app will be available to check calculations for your deferments soon.
Deferments are approved and supported by many states and allowed by HUD for CDBG-DR program managers to reduce the upfront costs to participate in the federal disaster recovery grant programs. Deferments assist homeowners with other agencies grant "Recapture" requirements when their is a duplication of grant money issued (Duplication of Benefits or DOB). State agencies will attempt to reduce to Zero the Recapture amount also known as Homeowners Responsibility and Escrow if possible.