AMI Reports from 2018 and 2019 for 80% AMI and 120% AMI which would be limits. HUD CDBG and HUD CDBG-DR .
#135 published 6-16-2019 updated 7-19-2019 1 min. 5 seconds read, search group AMI.
Research Topics created from questions asked related to disaster recovery.
Public Questions and topics asked and answered that related to declared disaster recovery. We use raw research data to provide fact checking material which is available to members.
AMI Reports from 2018 and 2019 for 80% AMI and 120% AMI which would be limits. HUD CDBG and HUD CDBG-DR .
#135 published 6-16-2019 updated 7-19-2019 1 min. 5 seconds read, search group AMI.
Interim Mortgage Assistance Data Collection Request.
#156 published 8-9-2019 2 min. 16 seconds read, search group Questions.
SBA Disaster Recovery Loan Applicant Information: Declined or cancelled subsidized loans
#164 published 9-24-2019 2 min. 51 seconds read, search group HUDGuidance.
Freedom of Information Request: Marvin McGraw via media release mentioned a letter sent to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) asked for clarification and guidance to the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018
#28 published 1-4-2019 2 min. 57 seconds read, search group Research.
Freedom of Information Request: Request a copy of the OCD-DRU Restore contractors contract with the following company: DYNAMIC CONSTRUCTION GROUP, LLC or DYNAMIC CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC.
#30 published 1-4-2019 1 min. 10 seconds read, search group Research.
Freedom of Information Request: OCD-DRU related to reconstruction of homes ONLY by licensed contractors and to exclude the state law that allows the homeowner to be their own contractor under the State Contractors License Exemption law.
#29 published 1-4-2019 1 min. 28 seconds read, search group Research.
RSF 5 - Infrastructure Working Group
#69 published 2-3-2019 1 min. 0 seconds read, search group Research.
RSF 1 - Community Planning Capacity Building Working Group
#67 published 2-3-2019 2 min. 50 seconds read, search group Research.
RSF 2 - Economic Working Group
#68 published 2-3-2019 1 min. 58 seconds read, search group Research.
RSF 4 - Housing Working Group
#71 published 2-3-2019 1 min. 1 seconds read, search group Research.
Ask for Help: Empower Your Household in Disaster Recovery
By Murray Wennerlund
How to Fail Your Municipality's Residential Final Mechanical Inspection.
By Murray Wennerlund