Research Topics created from questions asked related to disaster recovery.

Public Questions and topics asked and answered that related to declared disaster recovery. We use raw research data to provide fact checking material which is available to members.

Freedom of Information Request: Request the written permission from the state of Louisiana allowing IEM Inc. to enter into subcontracts with third parties named Dynamic Construction Design and Build

#45 published 1-4-2019 23 seconds read, search group Research.

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Freedom of Information Request: Request a copy of the elevation analysis that the state of Louisiana OCD-DRU and any of its contractors and sub-contracts approved to create the APA 9 elevation cost caps table.

#46 published 1-4-2019 1 min. 32 seconds read, search group Research.

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Freedom of Information Request: Request meeting notes, emails and documents between the following persons discussing homeowners meeting on the date of 12-10-2018 in the Restore Mead office.

#47 published 1-4-2019 1 min. 5 seconds read, search group Research.

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Freedom of Information Request: Request Solution 1 elevation change orders and permitted contractors that submitted the elevation costs to Solution 1 for exceptions processing by Jeff Haley or any agent of IEM inc or the State of Louisiana OCD-DRU.

#49 published 1-4-2019 28 seconds read, search group Research.

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Freedom of Information Request: RLHP Elevation Allowance December 14, 2018 version and explanation by IEM Inc and sub-contractors working on Reconstruction for 2016 flood victims in Louisiana.

#52 published 1-11-2019 updated 1-12-2019 2 min. 25 seconds read, search group Research.

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Status Update: RFP for ReLA Homeowner Assistance Program Tuesday, March 7, 2017 3:29 PM

#85 published 2-24-2019 1 min. 12 seconds read, search group Research.

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Federal Agency Terms State Agency Terms Income Level Terms Glossary of Terms

#83 published 2-24-2019 updated 3-2-2019 12 min. 33 seconds read, search group Research.

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Double Flooded Applicants Louisiana March and August Floods damage determination inside view of discussion.

#114 published 4-1-2019 3 min. 12 seconds read, search group Research.

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Restore Louisiana Update: Grant Execution Deadline is Wednesday, July 31, 2019

#138 published 7-9-2019 1 min. 44 seconds read, search group State Contractors.

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State of Louisiana takes first steps to drop homeowners required to elevate and reconstruct their homes. In a June email homeowners were told grants will be rescinded of you do not select a contractor by July 31, 2019.

#132 published 6-13-2019 2 min. 16 seconds read, search group State Contractors.

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