Top Five DOB and DRRA Implementation Issues to Address in Forthcoming Guidance Dec. 2018 training for Guidance expected to be published in 2019.
#94 published 3-4-2019 1 min. 36 seconds read, search group Research.
Research Topics created from questions asked related to disaster recovery.
Public Questions and topics asked and answered that related to declared disaster recovery. We use raw research data to provide fact checking material which is available to members.
Top Five DOB and DRRA Implementation Issues to Address in Forthcoming Guidance Dec. 2018 training for Guidance expected to be published in 2019.
#94 published 3-4-2019 1 min. 36 seconds read, search group Research.
General questions and comments about RLHP Action Plan Amendment No. 1 Public Meeting Comments
#150 published 8-4-2019 2 min. 49 seconds read, search group Questions.
Reforming Disaster Recovery Act of 2019
#109 published 3-26-2019 1 min. 51 seconds read, search group Research.
Task Force asked by Citizens to add SBA Declined Loan Public Law 115-123 to meeting agenda, request was never answered by the task force or state government.
#118 published 4-8-2019 7 min. 34 seconds read, search group Research.
Subsidized Loans for HUD Guidance June 2019 notice. What the notice includes.
#166 published 9-24-2019 1 min. 17 seconds read, search group HUDGuidance.
Louisiana OCD-DRU Hardship Criteria for Homeowner Populations with Incomes Exceeding 120 percent AMI
#144 published 7-26-2019 2 min. 16 seconds read, search group Hardship.
Public Awareness Campaign for all SBA Loan victims promised by Governor Edwards that your money would be safe.
#157 published 8-9-2019 3 min. 8 seconds read, search group Transparency.
State of Louisiana OCD-DRU Action Plan Amendment 12 asks HUD for approval to change SBA Loan repayment multiplier based on hardship matches.
#158 published 8-15-2019 3 min. 40 seconds read, search group SBALoans.
CDBG-DR Order of Assistance. When the Grantee takes CDBG-DR grants to pay for FEMA or Army Corps projects.
#167 published 9-24-2019 2 min. 55 seconds read, search group HUDGuidance.
HUD SBA Assistance for LMI and average income households. Public Law 115-254 and 115-123 Documents from Housing and Urban Development Department
#137 published 6-20-2019 1 min. 3 seconds read, search group CDBG-DR.
Fire, smoke blocking and air sealing between floors in a home.
By Murray Wennerlund
How to Fail Your Municipality's Residential Block and Tie Inspection.
By Murray Wennerlund