Hazard Mitigation Assistance Cost-Share for LMI Households. Hurricane Isaac funding in select parishes
#142 published 7-17-2019 26 seconds read, search group HMGP.
Research Topics created from questions asked related to disaster recovery.
Public Questions and topics asked and answered that related to declared disaster recovery. We use raw research data to provide fact checking material which is available to members.
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Cost-Share for LMI Households. Hurricane Isaac funding in select parishes
#142 published 7-17-2019 26 seconds read, search group HMGP.
State of Louisiana takes first steps to drop homeowners required to elevate and reconstruct their homes. In a June email homeowners were told grants will be rescinded of you do not select a contractor by July 31, 2019.
#132 published 6-13-2019 2 min. 16 seconds read, search group State Contractors.
Rental assistance to displaced homeowners. The requirement of 42 U.S.C. 5305a8 are modified to authorize grantees to extend rental assistance payments on behalf of qualified homeowners for up to 24 months.
#134 published 6-15-2019 1 min. 14 seconds read, search group Allocations.
Louisiana OCD-DRU Hardship Criteria for Homeowner Populations with Incomes Exceeding 120 percent AMI
#144 published 7-26-2019 2 min. 16 seconds read, search group Hardship.
State of Louisiana OCD-DRU Action Plan Amendment 12 asks HUD for approval to change SBA Loan repayment multiplier based on hardship matches.
#158 published 8-15-2019 3 min. 40 seconds read, search group SBALoans.
Work Scope Deferment State of Louisiana Restore Program in detail with research notes.
#145 published 7-28-2019 3 min. 57 seconds read, search group Scope Deferment.
Research found Deferment Calculations were not always based on square footage of home.
#162 published 9-13-2019 1 min. 58 seconds read, search group Deferment.
CDBG-DR Order of Assistance. When the Grantee takes CDBG-DR grants to pay for FEMA or Army Corps projects.
#167 published 9-24-2019 2 min. 55 seconds read, search group HUDGuidance.
HUD to clarify the sequence of delivery of disaster assistance to individuals.
#173 published 10-8-2019 14 seconds read, search group HUDGuidance.
SBA Updates data processed from research between 11-2019 and 12-2019
#183 published 1-18-2020 3 min. 25 seconds read, search group SBALoans.
Ask for Help: Empower Your Household in Disaster Recovery
By Murray Wennerlund
How to Fail Your Municipality's Residential Final Mechanical Inspection.
By Murray Wennerlund