Research Topics created from questions asked related to disaster recovery.

Public Questions and topics asked and answered that related to declared disaster recovery. We use raw research data to provide fact checking material which is available to members.

SBA Disaster Recovery Loan Applicant Information: Cancelled SBA Loan, Cancelled subsidized loan.

#165 published 9-24-2019 1 min. 24 seconds read, search group HUDGuidance.

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Multiple disasters occur in the same location, and the applicant has not recovered from the first disaster.

#168 published 9-24-2019 2 min. 5 seconds read, search group HUDGuidance.

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HUD Guidance June 20, 2019 authorizes and instructs in part state grantees to pay off all SBA disaster loans.

#169 published 9-30-2019 4 min. 52 seconds read, search group SBALoans.

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HUD Guidance June 20, 2019 authorizes state grantees to pay off SBA but state leaders look to limit the number of households to benefit.

#170 published 9-30-2019 2 min. 18 seconds read, search group SBALoans.

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#241 published 4-23-2020 1 min. 9 seconds read, search group PSA.

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